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Disclaimer: The purpose of this Blog

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do bad things, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein

This blog expresses my (Monica Pignotti) opinions and analysis based upon evidence and facts, as I understand them. See my other blog, Monica Pignotti: The Truth for rebuttals to the internet smear and disinformation campaign about me initiated by people who are obviously upset by my evaluation of certain mental health practices. Go here to read a Statement of Support  from social work, psychology and other mental health professionals.

Monica Feb 2014

The intent and purpose of this blog is to provide the readers with information and points of view that they might not otherwise be provided with by proponents of the therapies I am discussing who may sincerely believe they are helping people. It is not the purpose of this blog to give any specific advice on specific professionals and it is not the purpose of this blog to dissuade anyone from seeing any particular professional or to recommend any particular professional and my positive or negative views ought not to be interpreted in that manner. My purpose is to provide the reader with accurate information so that the reader can make more informed choices, should they or anyone in their family need help from a mental health professional, but the choices are yours and yours alone to make. The opinions I express on this blog are solely my own and ought not to be interpreted as advice. I would urge people to consult a wide variety of sources of information before consulting any mental health professional. The decision you make is yours and yours alone.

Additionally, nothing in this blog is intended to be legal advice in any way, shape or form.  I am simply expressing my opinions on certain cases. As a human being, I make no claims of being infallible. If any reader believes that I have made any factually incorrect statements, I welcome feedback and correction, as long as adequate evidence is provided.

SSCPnet Listserve Controversy

Update: Scott Lilienfeld passed away in September 2020 from pancreatic cancer. At the time of this exchange, most of us did not know about his condition. Knowing what we know, we can clearly see how difficult it was for him to engage in this discussion, but Scott maintained his integrity right up to the very end and he spent the last months of his life completing many articles with his colleagues that are still being released. I will always consider Scott Lilienfield one of my most important mentors. I had expected him to continue long after I’m gone, but that wasn’t to be. Scott had a rare combination of kindness and yet a very sharp and critical mind and intelligence. He was always there for people, usually responding within a few minutes to any emails I sent him and others say the same. He will be missed but never forgotten. The following occurred in June 2020, just a few months before his death. When he gave me permission to post this, he hinted that there was more going on that would be coming out soon, but this was not what I expected.

Twitter has been very active lately about a controversy that arose on the list serv for the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology. Thus far, no one has posted specifics on the post that started it all, so with the author’s (Scott O. Lilienfeld PhD) permission, I am posting it here so people can read it and decide for themselves whether the post was disempowering to minority participants or an instance of systematic racism, as assertions to that effect have been made. The list serv’s policy allows for public posting of posts to the list, so I am reproducing it here, for now, without further comment. It is important to note that the author of this post is a two-time President of SSCP, plus SSCP has an award named in his honor.

I will not comment further at this time, other than to say I have known Dr. Lilienfeld for over 15 years and yes, he is a very rigorous critic, but he is also one of the kindest and most civil people I know in the field. I will leave it to others if they want to post their responses to him, as there were many. Suffice it to say for now that the post was characterized as “racial dog whistling” and highly offensive because he pointed out the methodological problems of one of the studies listed on a spreadsheet connected with the organization and cautioned the people who put this together about being political (not because it dealt with race as is being mischaracterized, but because Trump was specifically mentioned in one of the recommended articles). It is worth nothing that most of the people who were voicing their concerns the most vehemently were young self-admittedly highly privileged white women. In any case, people can read it for themselves, posted in full below, and decide if his post constitutes “racial dog whistling” or anything else he has been accused of.

For those who don’t know the acronym, BIPOC stands for Black, indigenous people of color.

From Scott O. Lilienfeld to SSCPnet on June 17, 2020

Subject: BIPOC-Authored Psychology Papers Spreadsheet

Here is the link to what is being referred to and what follows are his two posts, in full:

Dear All: I am writing to the SSCPNET with considerable hesitation. Indeed, I’ve gone back and forth today about whether to write at all.

On the one hand, I’m delighted to see more discussion on this listserv of diversity issues, especially if they are approached from a rigorous scientific perspective, and one that encourages open debate and discussion. I was appalled by the recent murder of George Floyd and others, and I very much hope that high-quality psychological science can ultimately help to shed at least some light on these deeply disturbing events.

On the other hand, I am concerned by what appears to be a sharp turn toward political views and away from psychological science on this listserv.  To list just one example, one of the recently recommended resources refers to the “brilliant” psychological work of Claude Steel (sic) on stereotype threat, with no acknowledgment or even hint that such research has been marked by considerable difficulties with replication.

Even more worrisome, in my view, is the fact that some of the recommended resources adopt explicitly political stances.  I am confused, because the SSCP leadership has recently underscored the need to encourage a welcoming, inclusive environment for its members. For example, one of the resources recently recommended for SSCP members says the following:

“When I returned to the classroom two days after the (2016) election, the tension was palpable. I was TAing for an American Lit class at the time, and I could tell that the professor (a liberal white guy) was uncomfortable and unsure of how to address the elephant in the room. On one hand, there were students who’d voted for Trump. On the other, we had queer students, undocumented students, students wearing “F**k Trump” shirts, all of whom were seething with anger. I knew things were going to be intense after that, and that I would have to decide how I was going to approach this as an educator—would I stay quiet so as to not ruffle feathers, or would I stand up for what I believe in, which is that aligning yourself with Trump is aligning yourself with the denial of basic human rights and dignity? I knew that if I chose the path of least resistance, I’d be doing a disservice to the students whose lives and voices were at risk. I choose to teach resistance.”

I assume that at least some SSCP members (not me, incidentally…) are Trump supporters and would not find such writing to be especially welcoming.  It’s also not at all clear to me how such writing (along with much of the other recommended writing) is relevant to clinical psychological science.

I had further assumed that the role of SSCP was not to promote specific sociopolitical viewpoints, but rather to provide a forum in which rigorous but respectful debate regarding such scientifically contentious issues as implicit biases, implicit bias training, diversity workshops, stereotype threat, microaggressions, and so on, were fostered.  But several of the recent messages to the listserv seem instead aimed at promoting specific sociopolitical viewpoints, as well as at implying that certain controversial psychological questions are settled.

I have much more to say, but will stop here. I hope only that SSCP will not lose its bearings as an organization focused squarely on clinical science. If it continues to move further away from clinical science, I will be seriously reconsidering my membership in this organization.


Scott O. Lilienfeld, Ph.D.

And a follow up response also on June 17, 2020 after a very heated discussion had ensued:

Subject: contributions by BIPOC scholars

Hi All:

Well, I hadn’t expected my message to the listserv to stir up a hornet’s nest, but I hoped that it would at least stir up some much-needed discussion and debate, so I suppose in that respect it served its purpose.  I thank those who responded to me on the listserv, to the numerous people who responded to me backchannel with supportive messages, and to the one person who responded to me backchannel with a critical but civil message. I especially thank the graduate students and postdocs who took to the listserv to voice their disagreement with my message, as I recognize that it takes courage to do so.

I have many, many thoughts in response to these multiple messages, but in the interests of time I will focus on only one of them here.

To be clear, I am of course 100 percent in favor of posting resources that are helpful in combating racism and racially motivated violence.  As Bill Sanderson and Richard Gist observed in their messages, this point should perhaps go without saying, but it doesn’t hurt to make it clear. And I am of course also 100 percent in favor of posting contributions by BIPOC scholars. These are all worthy goals on SSCP’s behalf, and I fully support them.

Where I part ways with a number of my fellow posters to the listserv is that I believe strongly that such resources should be evidence-based or at least broadly consistent with the extant evidence.  Perhaps the major reason I joined SSCP so many years ago – in addition to its pro-science advocacy – is that was something of an oasis (hardly a perfect one, of course) in which scientifically based information regarding clinical psychology and allied fields was valued.  I was disappointed that none of those who wrote to the listserv to take issue with my message attempted to address, let alone rebut, my substantive point regarding the decidedly mixed research evidence for stereotype threat effects, which as I noted were highlighted prominently in one of the resources sent to the listserv.

One of the posters maintained that although I criticized a number of the resources provided, I did not provide constructive remedies. This is not true, so I will reiterate what I wrote in my initial message, namely, that resources sent to the listserv, including those sent by the SSCP leadership, should strive to be consistent with the best available science. In doing so, they should aim to make listserv members aware of large bodies of research evidence that are inconsistent with the claims advanced. In no way, shape, or form did I imply, let alone suggest, that SSCP should take down these resources; instead, I am arguing that SSCP be certain to also present listserv members with evidence that may not be consistent with the claims advanced in these resources.

So, when SSCP members present and strongly endorse sites that laud research on stereotype threat, I am contending that they also at least acknowledge evidence that questions the robustness and external validity of stereotype threat effects (e.g.,  Similarly, although I am completely in favor of providing readers with writings on the IAT as suggested readings, as one of the sites endorsed by the SSCP leadership did, I am also in favor of providing them with research that questions the robustness and real-world power of the IAT (e.g., and see for a different perspective). When psychological issues are scientifically controversial, I believe that it does listserv members a disservice to portray them otherwise.

Hence, I am favor of providing SSCP members with more information, not less, and in particular in providing them with a more scientifically balanced picture of the extant literature. I strongly suspect that SSCP members would hold their fellow members to the same standard were they to provide the listserv, for example, with an extensive compilation of resources on the efficacy/effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) that listed only studies or meta-analyses that were critical of DBT, or an extensive compilation of resources on the efficacy/effectiveness of SSRIs that listed only studies or meta-analyses that were supportive of these medications.  

I was also disappointed that the resources provided to the listserv did not at least point readers to the contributions of BIPOC scholars (psychologists, psycholinguists, social critics, among others) who have taken issue with some of the scientific claims advanced here, such as those of Craig Frisby, Frank Worrell, John McWorter, Shelby Steele, and others (please note that I do not agree with all of the writings of these scholars either, nor do they all agree with each other!).

In short, I stand by my initial concern that I very much hope that SSCP does not drift from its scientific bearings and that the listserv remains a forum in which scientifically contentious issues can be debated and discussed vigorously and freely.

Take care and all the best. …Scott

Science and Pseudoscience in Social Work Practice: Sample Chapter Now Available

At long last, the book I have co-authored with Bruce Thyer, Science and Pseudoscience in Social Work Practice, published by Springer, is due to be released by the end of the month. In the meantime, the Foreword by Eileen Gambrill, the Preface and Chapter 1 are all available free online. Click here to read.


Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology: Second Edition

Guilford Press has just announced the Second Edition of Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology which can be ordered in hard back or a less expensive paperback and available October 2014.

I am honored to be the author, with Bruce Thyer of Chapter 7: New Age and Related Novel Unsupported Therapies in Mental Health Practice (Scott O. Lilienfeld, Jeffrey Lohr and Steven Jay Lynn, editors). This was the chapter that was authored by Margaret Singer in the first edition, so I am especially honored to have been asked to author this. The First Edition from 2003 was a major influence on my professional life and was very instrumental in the epiphany I had about Thought Field Therapy and also what is wrong with some of the “parts” therapies and other questionable spin-offs of the highly discredited therapies of the 90s that have morphed into other things – and a great deal more. Although not discussed specifically in the chapter, some of these same techniques have been used by self-proclaimed “cult experts”.

There are also updated chapters on the DID controversy, recovered memories, child and adolescent disorders including a chapter authored by Jean Mercer on “attachment therapy” as well as controversial treatments for autism and ADHD. This book will be well worth the read.

Presentation at Upcoming 26th Annual APS Convention on New Developments in Science and Pseudoscience in Psychology

Update: The conference is this weekend.

I ended 2013 and am beginning 2014 with some good news received the day before Christmas when our proposal was accepted. I will be presenting at the upcoming Annual APS Convention in a symposium in May 2014 in San Francisco on New Developments in Science and Pseudoscience with Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven J. Lynn, Carol Tavris and Lawrence Patihis. I am honored to be part of this organization’s conference.

The Association for Psychological Science (formerly known as American Psychological Society) was started as a more science-based alternative to the American Psychological Association.

Scott LIlienfeld will be presenting on The Comeback of Facilitated Communication: Lessons for Psychological Science.

Steven Lynn will be presenting on Does Trauma Produce Dissociative Identity Disorder? Case Not Closed.

Lawrence Patihis will be presenting on A Scientist-Practitioner Gap in Beliefs about Repressed Memory and will present his latest research findings.

Social Psychologist Carol Tavris will be the discussant.


My presentation will be on Pseudo-Evidence Based Practice: Thought Field Therapy and Other Energy Meridian Tapping Therapies as Exemplars. Go here for details about the presentation and symposium.

I am also very much looking forward to the conference, which offers the very best the field of psychology has to offer.

Update: John Knapp’s NYS Social Work License Revoked

As an update to postings from 2011 about this matter, after a very lengthy process which began in October, 2010, as of January 14, 2014, thanks to the persistence and courage of a former client, John Knapp’s New York State Social Work license has been revoked. Click here to read the Board’s decision. As indicated on the Board’s website, Knapp has been found guilty of professional misconduct, negligence, incompetence and unprofessional conduct. This is a very serious action and it is rare that State Boards, who will, based on other cases I have been privy to, give the practitioner every benefit of the doubt and chance to improve, would take such an action.

Go here to read the client’s complaint, which she chose to post to her blog with names redacted, which gives more detail regarding this social worker’s behavior towards his client, including engaging in dual relationships, negligence and professional misconduct.

Although it is not ever a pleasant matter to see a mental health professional who has gone so far that remedial action is not possible and the license needs to be revoked, what this shows is that although there are never any guarantees, it is possible, with persistence to stop a licensed mental health professional from doing further harm, at least as a mental health professional. He can operate under another job description, such as “coach” or thought reform consultant, but when it comes to dealing with unlicensed people, it’s buyer beware. That said, recent reports indicate that at least for the time being, he has given up the practice of therapy altogether at least for the time being, and has become a singer in a duo with his wife.

Another point for mental health consumers to be aware of is that the complaint was originally filed in October 2010. This process took over three years and these long, drawn out processes are not uncommon, during which time the disciplinary action does not appear on the person’s record until the final decision is made and published. The moral of this story is don’t assume that just because you do a search on a licensed professional’s record and it comes up clean, that there have been no complaints. There could be complaints in the process of being heard or what is very common is that the Board chooses to issue a warning or reprimand to the professional and nothing appears on his or her record. This particular case involved a clinical social worker practicing psychotherapy, but can also apply to psychologists, marriage and family therapists, licensed mental health counselors and other mental health professionals.

Another common tactic is for the person to claim an “expertise” that makes them above the rules mental health professionals are required to follow. So-called “cult experts” may try to claim this, but this case demonstrates that in reality, they must follow the same rules as everyone else in their profession.

Again, I applaud the courage and persistence of this former client in coming forward and seeing this through. She has done a great service to many future clients seeking help.

Thought Field Therapy: A Former Insider’s Experience

For those who haven’t read it, thanks to a Psychology Professor at the University of Wyoming, my article, Thought Field Therapy: A Former Insiders Experience published in Research on Social Work Practice in 2007 is now available. Click here to read it. This is a full account of my experiences in the TFT community, for those who are wondering what led me to get involved and what led me to change my mind about it.

RIP Roger J. Callahan: 1925-2013

On November 4, 2013, Roger Callahan, the Founder of Thought Field Therapy and someone with whom I shared quite a history, passed away. It has been nearly 10 years since I had spoken with him and even longer since I had seen him, since we parted ways in February, 2004. There was only one brief obituary I could find in his local paper (Palm Springs, CA), but there was an outpouring of love and support from therapists and others who had trained with him over the years.

Others who saw his high fees and grandiose claims for his novel unsupported therapy thought he was a con man, but I have to say that having known him quite well I don’t believe that to be the case. As a human being, he had many strengths. He was a genuinely caring person who sincerely believed he was helping people with the therapy he developed that he believed to be the most effective therapy on the planet. Although in his last video posted on the Callahan website he said evidence for TFT was strong, this was far from being the case by any recognized scientific standards. In spite of the fact that there have been studies published on TFT, the only two that actually tested its mechanism of action showed null results. It doesn’t matter if you tap on meridian points and the sequence, upon which he based his most expensive advanced forms of TFT, does not matter.

Nevertheless, Roger to the very end of his life, sincerely believed otherwise. He seemed to exemplify the saying that the strongest form of deception is self-deception. As I reflect on my time with him I remember our conflicts, but on a personal level, I also remember good times with Roger as a friend and a colleague. I remember his generosity with his time and always being willing to speak with people who he didn’t even know who called him and wanted to understand more about TFT. 

I remember witnessing the genuine love Roger Callahan displayed for his wife, children and grandchildren and his concern that his family be cared for. His wife, Joanne, also took very good care of him. They were married for nearly 25 years. On his website, one of his daughters wrote that it was thanks to Joanne, that he was able to live as long as he did. For the past 30 years or so, he had survived cancer and heart disease, and while he attributed this to TFT, I think his daughter’s attribution to Joanne for taking care of him for the past 20+ years is probably more accurate.  Roger also had a genuine love for animals. I recall him shedding tears when I was visiting him in 1998 for one of his dogs who had recently died and I also recall having dinner with him years later at a fish restaurant in San Francisco, as we brought food to the alley cats at the back of the restaurant. In spite of the fact that Roger was very opinionated and could judge people harshly, he was a kind man who treated people with gentleness and respect. He was uncomfortable with direct conflict to the point where he would not engage in it and walk away if someone became contentious. I recently learned that he declined to even read my TFT: A Former Insiders Experience. I suppose to him, I have been dead for many years now. That being said, as a fellow flawed human being, I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and I wish that he rest in peace. Whatever else may be said about him, Roger Callahan lived long, prospered and died a happy man.

A memorial website has been put up by his family for him. 

The Jodi Arias Defense Expert: More Myths About Psychology and Mental Health Assessment

Thursday, Richard Samuels, the defense psychologist expert witness in the Jodi Arias case answered questions from the jury and was then once again questioned by the defense and then the prosecution began a re-cross examination of him. A common theme throughout his testimony is how many years of experience he has had and the assertion that this makes him more credible and accurate at what he does when he assesses and diagnoses people. As I have written previously, the scientific evidence shows that this is not necessarily the case.

Samuels and the defense counsel trying to play the experience card, I suspect is a way subtle way for them to take a swipe at the prosecution’s rebuttal expert. Although I haven’t seen her full CV, she is obviously much younger and a more recent PhD (2009). Does this mean that her opinion is inferior to Samuels? Research evidence says not necessarily. She might actually have an advantage over Samuels, being more recently in school and being more up on the latest research. Some of the statements made by Samuels displayed an astonishing ignorance of developments over the last decade or so. For example, he testified that sodium pentathol and hypnosis were good ways to recover repressed memories when these methods have been discredited as unreliable and even dangerous because they may produce false memories and do great harm. Even though he made it clear he didn’t think Jodi Arias had repressed memories, he still presented these myths to the jury about what he thought was a good idea for people who did have them. He thought Jodi Arias had dissociative amnesia, due to the hippocampus shutting down completely during the part of the murder she says she cannot remember. That too, is a highly questionable notion, as the literature shows that this is very rare and when amnesia does occur during a murder, it is usually temporary. More typically trauma is very well remembered and people with PTSD have the opposite problem — they wish they could forget the trauma but cannot stop thinking about it.

Samuels would do well to review the literature on psychological assessment and whether psychologists learn well from experience and improve. There is quite a large body of literature showing that this is not the case and also how unreliable clinical judgment is. He was correct to call it “speculation” and Juan Martinez was very correct to pin him down on what he said. Some of this literature is reviewed in Howard Garb & Patricia Boyle’s chapter in Scott Lilienfeld’s edited volume, Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology on “Understanding Why Some Clinicians Use Pseudoscientific Methods” (2nd Edition to be published soon). Garb & Boyle discuss experienced vs. less experienced clinicians. They write:

For the task of interpreting personality assessment test results, alleged experts have not been more accurate than other clinicians, and experienced clinicians have not been more accurate than less experienced clinicians.

They cite a large body of literature accumulated over 30 year period that supports this. One of the examples they provide is about one of the tests used by the Jodi Arias defense, the MMPI. Two groups of psychologists were presented with MMPI protocols. One group consisted of PhD psychologists who had routinely used the MMPI in practice for 5 years, the other group were psychologists who had used the MMPI for over 5 years and demonstrated a broad knowledge of the research literature. Both groups were asked to interpret the MMPI. The findings showed that the psychologists with more experience were no more accurate in their interpretations than the group with less experience. The two were completely unrelated.

We can only hope that the prosecutions’ expert Janeen Demarte is aware of this literature so she can soundly refute any attempts by the defense to make less of her by claiming that because she has less years of experience than Samuels, she is not as credible — this is absolutely false.

Once again, we are seeing myth after myth presented on national television for all to see, although for the purposes of this case, from the juror’s questions that were asked last Thursday, it doesn’t look like the defense has been very successful in persuading the jury of his credibility.

Jodi Arias Case: Juan Martinez Cross-Examination of Psychologist Expert Begins

During the last hour of court yesterday, prosecutor Juan Martinez’s cross-examination of psychologist defense expert Richard Samuels began and it has already been devastating. Martinez demonstrated that Arias lied on the assessment for PTSD, listing the main event responsible as the one she now admits she lied about, that two intruders broke into Travis’ home and murdered him. Amazingly, Samuels gave her this test and accepted her answer, even though he knew her story was not credible and strongly suspected she was lying. He admitted he made a mistake in not readministering the test.

Prosecutor Martinez also exposed the fact that Samuels exceeded his role, which was to evaluate Arias, by sending her a self-help book and cards when he learned she was depressed and suicidal.

The cross-examination is available on YouTube and there will be more to come today. Martinez has just barely gotten started. Stay Tuned.

I do hope his grossly inaccurate claims about dissociative amnesia and PTSD get challenged and the actual controversy over this exposed, but for the purposes of the case, that might not even be necessary, given that it was shown the test results were invalid to begin with, since she lied.